The influence of physical training technology based on the consideration of body features on the physical performance of female students


Dr. Biol., Professor S.P. Levushkin1
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences M.S. Fesenko1
Li Xun1

1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop a technology for physical training of female students, based on taking into account the characteristics of the physique and determining the effectiveness of its influence on physical performance.
Methods and structure of the study. The developed technology for physical training of female students included: an organizational section, which was implemented within the framework of theoretical and practical classes in elective disciplines in physical education; a practical section that involved the use of motor modes, taking into account the effectiveness of their influence on the physical condition of female students of different body types; assessment section, which provided for the assessment of various components of the physical condition of female students in accordance with the developed typological standards. The experiment was conducted in two groups – experimental (118 people) and control (105 people).
Results and conclusions. With the introduction of physical training technology, a significant increase in the absolute and relative values of PWC170 students of the experimental group was recorded, which indicates a significant increase in the aerobic performance of girls engaged in accordance with the requirements of the developed technology.

Keywords: technology of physical training, modes of motor activity, female students, body types, physical performance.


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