Main directions of the formation of digital literacy of students in the educational process of the University of Physical Culture


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor Yu.V. Podpovetnaya1
PhD S.V. Mikhailova1
PhD Ye.V. Pismennyy1
A.D. Podpovetny1

1Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Ural branch, Chelyabinsk

Keywords: digital literacy, educational process, students of the University of Physical Culture.

Introduction. The strategy of digital transformation of the branch of science and higher education (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) has set a vector for the modernization of information technologies in the educational process and the formation of digital literacy of students of various fields and specialties, including students of sports universities [2]. Digital literacy is the skills and abilities associated with the search for information on the Internet [1].
The purpose of the study is to identify the main directions of effective formation of digital literacy of students in the educational process of the University of Physical Culture.
Methodology and organization of the study. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive analysis was carried out, which showed that 87% of students have a low level of digital literacy. The main reasons for this phenomenon are: lack of technical means in educational institutions; lack of academic disciplines aimed at studying digital technologies; insufficient level of training of teachers for the introduction of information technologies in the educational process, etc.
The results of the study and their discussion. Based on the Strategy and pedagogical experience of the authors of the article, the main directions of the formation of digital literacy of students are identified: 1) information literacy, which involves focusing on effective ways to assess the quality and reliability of information; 2) ethical use of digital resources, including intellectual property, quoting information from the Internet; 3) correct formation of a digital footprint is all the information that a person passively leaves and actively shares about himself on the Internet; 4) the basics of Internet security – the creation of strong passwords, the use of privacy settings, virtual personal networks (VPNs), data encryption, etc.; 5) the use of digital communication, digital communications; 6) cyberbullying – the use of technology as a means of harassing others, which is central to teaching digital literacy to students.
Conclusions. Summarizing what has been said, we note that specialized services (for example, digital literacy resources from Edutopia, the BeInternet Awesome curriculum from Google, the InCtrl digital citizenship website, the Common Sense Education digital literacy website, etc.) significantly help in the formation of students' digital literacy skills, which are focused on the inclusion of digital literacy classes in the educational process of the university and teaching students the principles of a "good" digital citizen.
The research was carried out with the support of the scientific Foundation of the Ural Branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.


  1. Maletova M.I. Digital literacy of university students: challenges and opportunities / M.I. Maletova, L.A. Novikova // Bulletin of the Udmurt University. Philosophy series. Pedagogy. Psychology. – 2020. – Vol. 30. – No. 2. – pp. 195-203.
  2. Strategy of digital transformation of the branch of science and higher education (07/14/2021) ‒ Access mode: / upload/iblock/e16/dv6edzmr0og5dm57dtm0wyllr6uwtujw.pdf (accessed 07.06.2023).