Socio-psychological predictors of activation of competitive physical culture and sports activity of university students
PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Pashchenko1
PhD, Associate Professor O.A. Romanko1
PhD, Associate Professor O.S. Krasnikova1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
Objective of the study was to identify socio-psychological characteristics (strategy of interpersonal interaction, need for achievement, readiness to participate in sports competitions) of university students as conditions for enhancing competitive physical culture and sports activities.
Methods and structure of the study. Methods were used: the questionnaire of K. Thomas - R. Kilmann "Strategy of behavior in a conflict situation", the questionnaire "Attitude towards competitive physical culture and sports activities"; test questionnaire “The need to achieve the goal. Scale for assessing the need to achieve success.
Results and conclusions. It is shown that among boys and girls involved in sports games, the most pronounced behavioral strategies are "cooperation" and "compromise", they also have significantly higher rates of readiness to take part in competitions, compared with other subjects. Girls mastering aerobics and dancing, showing "cooperation" and "compromise", have significantly high values in the "avoidance" behavioral strategy. The young men who go in for swimming do not have the predominance of any strategy of behavior in interpersonal interaction. Students involved in general physical training demonstrated significantly low performance in the tests "Need to achieve success", "Attitude towards competitive physical culture and sports activities"; in interpersonal interaction, the predominant strategies are "compromise" and "avoidance". The obtained results should be taken into account when choosing models of organizing rivalry in educational and extracurricular forms of physical education, promoting the activation of competitive physical culture and sports activities of university students.
Keywords: interpersonal interaction strategies, readiness, behavior profile, rivalry organization model, sportized physical education.
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