Role of social support of the family in the formation of motivation to increase the physical activity of school-age children


D.N. Pukhov1
PhD A.V. Tsareva1
A.V. Malinin1

1Saint-Petersburg scientific-research institute for physical culture, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to identify factors of family influence that contribute to an increase in the level of physical activity of adolescent students in the age group of 15 years.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment is based on data from a questionnaire survey of schoolchildren of both sexes in the age group of 15 years, conducted in 2022 using the methodology of the international project Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC). To conduct the study, the employees of the Saint-Petersburg scientific-research institute for physical culture developed a special web service that allows you to carry out the survey procedure, as well as process and analyze the results using a cloud database. The study analyzed answers to questions about the amount of physical activity of schoolchildren during the week, as well as their subjective assessments of family involvement in various types of joint activity. To assess the level of significance of differences, the χ2 test was used.
Results and conclusions. The data obtained made it possible to identify types of joint family activities, participation in which affects the level of physical activity of 15-year-old schoolchildren. Based on the comparison of groups of minimal and maximal involvement in physical activity, the most influential factors influencing the level of physical activity, differences in the impact of these factors in boys and girls, as well as factors that do not have a direct impact, were identified. For girls, the most influential factors were opportunities to strengthen family solidarity. For boys, factors of purposeful physical activity in the family turned out to be significant: participation in games and joint sports. Both groups are most affected by joint family sports and participation in non-computer games.

Keywords: physical activity, school-age children, involvement in physical culture and sports, family relationships.


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