Improving the technique of the game of volleyball for students aged 15-17 in physical education classes


PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Tretyakov1
D.V. Loginov1, 2
A.A. Lozovoy1, 2
M.A. Lozovaya1

1Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk
2Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev, Krasnoyarsk

Objective of the study was to identify and substantiate the qualitative means and methods of technical training in volleyball for 15-17 year old students in physical education classes.
Methods and structure of the study. A training program was developed for the experimental group of schoolchildren with the use of special exercises aimed at technical training, the control group was engaged in the usual program. The following exercises of a complex coordination orientation were used: for speed, for the technique of passing the ball, for attentiveness and the logic of actions, of a complex coordination nature. Throughout the experiment, this set of exercises was used in preparatory and game activities in volleyball.
Results and conclusions. The effectiveness of the developed program is associated with the solution of specific tasks for teaching the game of volleyball to the students of the experimental group, the means and methods used. In this regard, more time was devoted not to general developmental exercises, but to special exercises aimed at technical training. Due to the variety of physical means and methods, the motivation for physical culture lessons increased among students and, as a result, physical qualities and motor actions developed more effectively.

Keywords: volleyball, schoolchildren, physical culture, game technique.


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