Features and methods of teaching martial arts to students in universities of China


Postgraduate student Li Chunpeng1
Dr. Hab., Professor S.V. Chernov1
1Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: universities of China, martial arts, wushu, teaching method, motor skills.

The purpose of the study is to consider and substantiate the features and methods of teaching martial arts to students at universities in China.
Methodology and organization of the study. The combination of form and spirit is one of the key characteristics of martial arts. Wushu training is undoubtedly the form and spirit of athletes' training. The so–called "form" refers to the style of movements of an athlete, and the spirit ("shen") refers to the consciousness and stylistic characteristics of an athlete in martial arts. Martial arts training of Chinese university students in its content is mainly focused on the training of form and spirit.
The results of the study and their discussion. The martial arts training system of Chinese university students has its own peculiarities. Among them, the key importance belongs to mastering effective and rational motor skills. In the process of forming motor skills, specialists should pay attention to the implementation of standardized movements in order to form correct stereotypes and lay down a rational technique. Exercises should begin with the study of combination movements and actions.
The general methods of teaching martial arts to students at universities in China should take into account the basic principles of sports biomechanics, which guide training towards individualization. Biomechanical representations of movements allow students to accurately explain and remember complex coordination movements in attack and defense. Attack and defense of martial arts are their main characteristics, which should be taught using the methods of repeated execution of the movement. To do this, a methodical technique is used – the search for starting points of focus, so that students understand the structure of movements and deepen memory. The use of multimedia audiovisual equipment for teaching allows students to form correct ideas about movements in their minds through their demonstrations and standard explanations.
Conclusions. Martial arts training at universities in China makes it possible to increase their competitiveness among young people. Specialists working with students at universities in China should find the most effective methods of teaching martial arts. To do this, it is necessary to fully use all the opportunities that a particular university has in order to master the appropriate training methods that can help students achieve the best results in a relatively short period of time.


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