Программно-методические особенности подготовки тренеров по настольному теннису в вузах Китая


Postgraduate student Zhai Xingchen1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor L.G. Ryzhkova2
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Laptev2
Postgraduate student Go Erni1, 2
1Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China
2Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to evaluate the structure and content of the "Table Tennis Coaches Training Program", to identify the features characteristic of Chinese universities.
Methods and structure of the study. A theoretical analysis was made of the curriculum of the discipline "Theory and practice of sports training for table tennis coaches" to assess the distribution of its components in terms of volume and content, which are typical for Chinese universities.
Results and conclusions. The main discipline, which is the key in the list of disciplines of the training program, is "Theory and Practice of Special Training in Table Tennis", which is mastered at the undergraduate level for three years: in the first, second and third years. In the fourth year, students acquire and consolidate the practical skills of coaching. The presented Program reflects only the main elements of sports training for table tennis coaches. Practical exercises to improve the technical and tactical readiness of future coaches additionally contain separate tactical components used for the successful implementation of complex game combinations. Students, having reached the basic level of technical and tactical readiness, improve their skills, increasing their sports level due to the individualization of technical and tactical training, highlighting separately and in the aggregate the technical, tactical and psychological orientation of training. That is why 36% of hours are allocated for basic training, and 43% of hours for individualization, which in total is almost 80% of the total hours allocated for mastering the discipline "Theory and Practice of Sports Training".
Thus, in Chinese universities there are very high requirements for the level of sports preparedness of coaches in terms of mastering the technique of performance and tactics of competitive struggle. Focusing on the training of coaches to work with the national teams of the regions and the country (for children and youth), universities in China orient students to the need to constantly “polish” the technique of performing techniques and tactics of applying actions, taking into account the individual characteristics of athletes that are reflected in competitive practice. The future coach must distinguish which individual technical-tactical style is most suitable for his athlete, and saturate training sessions with appropriate practical material.

Keywords: Curriculum, Chinese universities, training of coaches, table tennis, sports readiness.


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