Communicative potential of the company's corporate identity in sports marketing
PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Feshchenko1
PhD, Associate Professor L.P. Maryina1
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.V. Kurysheva1
Dr. Pol., Professor S.B. Nikonov1
1Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to identify and substantiate the possibilities of the communicative potential of the corporate identity system of a physical culture and sports organization for the effective promotion of its activities in various information environments.
Methods and structure of the study. It is based on a communication audit of the company's corporate identity system, which checks the effectiveness of informing about the presence of corporate symbols by thoughtful placement in information environments, revealing the presence of semantization of corporate identifiers (namely, an explanation of the meaning encoded in corporate symbols), the use of symbolic meanings of the name, emblem or coat of arms, anthem , missions of the physical culture and sports organization in work with the internal and external public.
Results and conclusions. The obtained data of empirical material confirm the initial hypothesis about the lack of demand for the communicative potential of the corporate identity system of a physical culture and sports organization in promoting its activities in various information environments to increase the company's public capital as an important part of an intangible asset.
Keywords: corporate identity system, corporate symbols, sports marketing, communicative technology, support and promotion as communicative technologies.
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