Somatotypological characteristics of persons of the youthful age period who are studying at physical education universities


PhD, Associate Professor N.S. Bakhareva1
PhD, Associate Professor E.K. Gordeeva1
V.A. Fedko1
1Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keyword: somatotypological characteristic, physikulturn wawerme Institute, differen wawerme sport.

In a way. It is not surprising that the study of somatometric indicators has repeatedly served as a subject of various aspects and studies, many aspects of this problem are still far from solved, existing contradictions concerning both theoretical and methodical aspects.
Aim and research-theoretical analysis of somatotypological characteristics of the adolescent period and to come up with regular classes of different types of sports.
The outcome of the transgression and IH siege. Examined .172 youth-student academies Physical Culture. in vozrasta 17-20 summer: 91 athlete with different controversial orientation and 81 non-sports student. All student boomers divided into three groupsplants: astheniki, normosteniki and gippersteniki (by indexu Pinye); changes in morphofunctional indicators of young men during adaptations to regular physical activity have features depending on their body type, the most pronounced changes were revealed in asthenic athletes, who increased not so much the mental component, but also such indicators of physical development as the Erisman index, and in the structural and functional indicators of the heart, a tendency to hypertrophy of the left ventricular wall was found against the background of an expanded ego cavity; the number of cardiac contractions significantly decreased. U 32 devushek-sportsmanok and 23 youth-sportsmanov, training in the Bashkir Institute of Physical Culture, B. A. conducted comparative study of component masssa_mass bodies.
It is highlighted that the muscular component of the environment of young men is most affected in athletes engaged in complex coordination sports (SLE) (51.7 ± 0.5%), and among girls – cyclic sports (CV) (44.6 ± 0.6%); called the development of the muscular component in students engaged in sports games (SI), regardless of gender (45.6%) ± 0.7% in boys, 35.4± 0.4% in girls). Bone component environments groupp predominated in student SQUB (18.4 aposematic 0.3%) and student CV sports (14.7 aposematic 0.5%); in menshey grades it was represented in adolescents engaged in their activities (16.8 aposematic 0.3%) and devusek SQUB (13.4 aposematic 0.7%). The relative content of the fatty component was high in students of speed and strength sports (21.3±0.5%) and students studying it (30.3 ± 0.4%); it developed to a lesser extent in students-athletes of CV (12.6 ± 0.7%) and girls - SLE (21.9 ± 0.4%). In devushek, a sporty gymnast, in a flat-top body (suitable for a weight-1,038 g / cm3) with a smart Giro component [2]. Conducted. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in...........; it is highlighted that among the group muscle component, it is most pronounced in representatives of complex–coordinated (relative number - 51.7±0.5%) and cyclical (51.1± 0.6%) sports; the bone component prevailed in students engaged in complex-coordinated sports (18.4±0.3%) and martial artists (relative number 19.3± 0.6%) compared to representatives of game sports (16,8±0,3%) [1].
In the Apostille. Somatotypological characterization of the adolescent period of the period of development of a significant parametric parameter in the conduct of sportival orientations; dynamics morphofunctionnormative indicator in the adaptation to regular physical abuse name features, depending on the type of IH body and type of sport.


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