Acrobatics in the physical training of sambists


PhD, Professor S.M. Voronin1
Dr. Hab., Professor S.F. Burukhin2
1P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl
2Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, Yaroslavl

Keywords: acrobatics, agility, vestibular stability, protection effectiveness.

  1. Introduction. Acrobatics plays an important role in the training of a wrestler. By developing important physical qualities of wrestling, acrobatics increases the effectiveness of protection.
  2. Acrobatics in sambo training plays a huge role at all stages of preparation. It allows you to develop such an important physical quality for the fight as dexterity, increases vestibular stability and, as a result, improves the effectiveness of protection against attacking actions of the opponent.
  3. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of acrobatics in the training of highly qualified sambo wrestlers.
  4. Methodology and organization of the study. Long-term pedagogical observations, analysis of the results of wrestlers of different ages and qualifications.
  5. The results of the study and their discussion. Acrobatics is present in the training of all sambo wrestlers, starting from the initial training groups [1]. At first, these are simple exercises: somersaults, wheel, etc. [2]. Then there are more complex exercises: somersaults, flasks, acrobatic somersaults, etc. At a higher level of training, in addition to the listed elements, wrestling acrobatics is used, which allows to significantly improve the effectiveness of the protective actions of the sambo wrestler. Acrobatics is also an integral part of a wrestler's warm-up, preparing him for the main job.
  6. Conclusions. Acrobatics is the most important part of the training of wrestlers at all stages of training. It also allows you to develop important physical qualities, such as dexterity, increases vestibular stability and, as a result, improves protection against attacking actions of an opponent. The role of acrobatic exercises in the preparatory part of classes is also irreplaceable.
  7. Literature
  8. Voronin S.M. Sambo wrestling in universities of unsportsmanlike profile // S.M. Voronin, E.V. Ignatova, L.Y. Shalaykin, O.N. Zaitsev. – Yaroslavl: YarGU, 2017. – 126 p.
  9. Burukhin S.F. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of motor and functional fitness of university students by means of gymnastics / S.F. Burukhin, E.V. Kulagina // Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. – Yaroslavl: YAGPU, 2016. – 107 p.