Kinesthetic coordination abilities in the structure of sports training of young football players
PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Artamonova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Averyanov2,7
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor E.V. Makarova3
PhD, Associate Professor I.K. Spirina4, 5
PhD T.V. Berezantseva-Nizyaeva6
1Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow
3Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow
4Kuban State University of Education, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar
5Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar
6Moscow Secondary Special School of the Olympic Reserve No. 3 of Moskomsport, Moscow
7Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow
Objective of the study was to reveal the features of the relationship between basic and specific kinesthetic coordination abilities and indicators of sports training among young football players.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the work, the level of manifestation and correlation dependence of power, temporal and spatial basic and specific kinesthetic coordination abilities, as well as indicators of physical, technical, tactical, psychological readiness and competitive activity of young football players were determined.
Results and conclusions. It was found that in young football players the density of interaction of spatial, power and temporal parameters is higher in the structure of basic kinesthetic coordination abilities in comparison with specific ones. The closest connection was found with the indicators of technical parameters. The nature of the mutual influence has its own characteristics–in the structure of specific ones, the largest number of reliable correlations are formed by spatial parameters of kinesthetic coordination abilities, and in the structure of basic ones–with temporal and power ones.
Based on the data obtained, it is necessary to plan tasks in the programs for improving special coordination abilities in parallel with tasks for technical improvement, improve basic coordination abilities within the preparatory stage of the macrocycle, and pay more attention to tactical training at the special preparatory stage.
Keywords: basic and specific kinesthetic coordination abilities, young football players, sports training.
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