Efficiency of motor activity of highly qualified football players in china taking into account the intensity of training at small venues


PhD, Associate Professor M.M. Polishkis1
Postgraduate student Lin Yaqi1
A.A. Pleshakov2
1Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of improving the motor activity of highly qualified female football players in China, taking into account the variation in the intensity of training at small venues.
Methods and structure of the study. 32 highly qualified football players aged 19-30 took part in the formative pedagogical experiment. Two groups were formed from among the subjects–control (CG, n=16 people) and experimental (EG, n=16 people), which were completed taking into account the indicators of motor and functional readiness. Highly qualified female football players of the experimental group at the stages of the annual cycle of training were engaged in the developed and implemented program for improving motor activity, taking into account the variation in the intensity of training on small venues.
Results and conclusions. By the end of the formative pedagogical experiment, highly qualified football players from the EG were significantly superior to the players from the CG in such quantitative parameters of game actions during the competition as passing the ball, kicking at goal, intercepting and tackling the ball in defense, as well as martial arts (p<0.05).
The authors state that the introduction into the training program of highly qualified female football players in China of special game exercises on small areas, performed with different intensity, not only contributes to an increase in the motor activity of the players during the match, but also ensures the growth of quantitative indicators of technical and tactical methods of the game.

Keywords: football, highly qualified sportswomen, motor activity, trainings on small grounds.


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