Consistency of motor actions in dance pairs as a criterion for assessing performance skills
Postgraduate student N.D. Murzin1
PhD, Associate Professor N.F. Singina1
1Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Keywords: consistency of motor actions, sports activity, dance sport, judging criteria, performance skills.
Introduction. At sports dance competitions, both static and dynamic balance parameters are of great importance. Therefore, when making an expert assessment, it is important to take into account the dance performance, in particular, the criteria of balance.
The purpose of the study is to identify the criteria for consistency of motor actions in dance pairs.
The results of the study and their discussion. Criteria for assessing the consistency of motor actions include: the ability to maintain the correct body position and movements; the ability to maintain figured rhythmic structures; the ability to maintain dynamic movements; the ability to maintain musical meaning throughout the melody; the ability to maintain the positions of the arms and legs throughout the dance; plasticity of movements during the transition from one movement to another (rotations, turning movements, posing of the lower and upper parts of the body); correlation of the sequence of movements with the musical illustration throughout the dance.
The criteria characterizing the level of coordination of motor actions of dancers, according to experts, are the same for both standard and Latin American dances, since these criteria reflect, for the most part, the ability to maintain the correct modes of movement, forms, steps, while all this is in harmony with the musical accompaniment.
The experts divided the consistency of the dancers' motor actions into criteria: in standard and Latin American dances. Combining the selected criteria, it can be noted that during the dance, the ability to coordinate movements is mainly reflected through amplitude, steps, etc., as well as the mandatory maintenance of the position of the body, arms and legs throughout the dance.
As for the criteria for assessing the flexibility of dancers, we can say that together they are characterized by the scope, lightness and plasticity of performance. It should also be noted that a good correlation of movement sequences with musical illustration throughout the dance characterizes both the technical and physical training of the dancers.
Conclusion. All the assessed criteria of sports dance are clearly defined and most of them are interrelated, they are tools that judges use to assess the quality of performances. The judge may not use all the criteria in this case. The emphasis placed on certain criteria shifts somewhat at different stages of the competition.
Consistency of motor actions in dance is the result of the development of certain skills. The evaluation of this criterion is carried out according to the indicators of the ability to maintain the correct body position, figured rhythmic structures, dynamic movements; the ability to maintain the positions of the arms and legs throughout the dance; the plasticity of movements during the transition from one movement to another (rotations, turning movements, posing of the lower and upper parts of the body); and the correlation of the sequence of movements with musical illustration throughout the dance.
Used literature
- Voronin R.E. The structure of evaluation of performance skills in technical and aesthetic sports and the problem of objectification of judging / R.E. Voronin // VI International Scientific and Practical Internet conference "Alliance of Sciences: scientist to scientist" (February 25-26, 2011) / [Electronic resource]. Access mode: . (accessed 05.12.2022).