Factor structure of motor readiness of young qualified hockey players


Dr. Hab., Professor T.V. Mikhailova1
E.A. Morozov1
1Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: hockey, young qualified athletes, motor fitness, factors, signs.

The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate the main factors determining the motor fitness of young qualified hockey players.
Methodology and organization of the study. During 2020-2022, the indicators of physical development, functional state, physical and strength fitness of qualified hockey players who are part of the main teams of the Youth Hockey League (MHL) of Russia were studied. In total, more than 600 measurements and tests were carried out, which were processed using factor analysis, which made it possible to determine the main signs characterizing the prospects of a young qualified player in modern hockey.
The results of the study and their discussion. Factor analysis of the main signs of motor fitness of young qualified hockey players aged 17-19 years allowed us to identify four well-interpreted factors.
The first factor is interpreted as a factor of physical development. With the highest factor loads, it included body weight (0.685), body length (0.581), and the severity of fat mass (0.479). The second factor is interpreted as a combined factor of the functional state. It includes the absolute values of the maximum and average power calculated by the Wingate test (0.839), the corresponding relative indicators (0.671), the MPC level (0.624), the sinking index (0.431). The third factor is the factor of strength training. It is caused by the influence of the following indicators: bench press (0.911), flexion and extension of the arms at rest (0.844), flexor strength (0.837) and extensors (0.826) of the upper extremities, as well as left hand dynamometry (0.484). The fourth factor is the factor of physical fitness. The results shown in the long jump (0.862), in the high jump (0.742), as well as the lifting of the trunk from the prone position (0.497) were included in it with the greatest factor load.
Conclusions. The prospects of a modern young qualified hockey player are determined by such components as physical development, functional state, physical and strength fitness. The constant analysis of the results characterizing the change in the fitness indicators of young qualified athletes indicates the expediency of conducting systematic comprehensive surveys and testing the fitness of hockey players.


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