Historical prerequisites for the formation and development of professionally applied physical culture in the process of sportization of physical exercises


PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Markin1
Dr. Hab., PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Peredelsky1
1Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to reveal the historical prerequisites for the formation and development of professionally applied physical culture in the process of sportization of body-motor practices.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of scientific work, the analysis and generalization of historical sources of scientific literature devoted to the history of physical culture and sports were carried out.
Results and conclusions. Sport has historically been one of the constituent elements of physical culture associated with periodic or regular bodily-motor exercises in the form of single combat fights. It is here that the professional-applied component of physical culture is born. Gradually turning into a social institution, various types of motor activity become sports disciplines with established competition rules and training methods based on high sports technologies.

Keywords: physical culture, sport, professional-applied component of physical culture.


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