Pedagogical control and methods of correction of postural disorders in children 13-14 years old


PhD D.V. Fedulova
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg

Objective of the study was to identify postural disorders in children aged 13-14 years with intellectual disabilities (persons with intellectual disabilities-PID) and healthy schoolchildren.
Methods and structure of the study. 60 children born in 2008-2009 were examined. from general educational institutions (30 people from a correctional school for children with intellectual disabilities and 30 people from a public school) to identify postural disorders and asymmetric development of the musculoskeletal system. Diagnostics was carried out using the developed research protocol, which included an analysis of the positions of the main postural examination in the sagittal and frontal planes and an assessment of the functional state of the body.
Results and conclusions. The most common violations of postural examination were: asymmetric position of the shoulder girdle (60% of cases in healthy schoolchildren and 90% in PID); waist triangles (40% of cases in healthy schoolchildren and 77% in PID); valgus deformity of the feet (37% of cases in healthy schoolchildren and 87% in PID). The functional state was assessed in a fixed position after performing various hand movements. Muscle asymmetry was detected in 20% of cases in healthy schoolchildren and in 43% in PID. According to the results of diagnostics, the direction of corrective work and practical recommendations for physical exercises were determined.

Keywords: postural control, physical development, posture disorder, muscle asymmetries, mental retardation.


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