Sociopsychological Principles of Interethnic Relationship in Sport
A.I. Babakov, associate professor, Ph.D.
Institute of physical culture and sport of Vladimir state university, Vladimir
Key words: psychological and social principles of interethnic relationship in sport, patriotism and internationalism of sport, education and self-education, self-regulation, victories and defeats, wrestlers of various ages.
The relevance of the problems of interethnic relationship in modern society is unquestionable. It is proved by numerous wars, conflicts and contradictions on the national, ethnic and religious bases. The interethnic relationships have been set and are being developed, established in the centuries-old traditions, displayed in sports ethics, symbols and rituals. They are mandatory for every trainer, athlete and every organizer of training classes and sports events of different scales. However, from time to time, conflicts and contradictions of national matter arise.
In the sphere of sports activities, including single combat sports, the issue of interethnic relationship has been studied in research, touching, in some sense, on patriotic and international training, (A. Karelin, V. Igumenov, I. Yarygin, N. Magomedov, L. Loginov, V. Bobrovsky, A. Kuznechov, A. Sagaleev, A. Semenov, A. Babakov, etc.), self-education of athletes and self-regulation regarding their emotional state after victories or defeats (G. Gorskaya, L. Dikaya, V. Zobkov, Yu. Sysoev, et al.)
Among the official documents pertaining to interethnic relationship in sports activities, what should be noted is the Olympic Charter as well as documents of international sports federations, places on sports competitions, etc.
The purpose of the study was to analyze sociopsychological principles of interethnic relationship in sport and define effective ways to improve this work in the practice of modern sport.
Materials and methods. The following are selected excerpts from the experimental work. Each experimental group is made of 14-16 people, 5 age groups in total. The 10-point or 5-point rating system was used. The main experiments were carried out on the experimental site created in the Dmitry Timofeev’s martial arts complex of Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of Vladimir state university (city of Vladimir).
The study focused on the Olympic games was conducted continuously throughout the school year and, in summer, in the sports and fitness camps of the Vladimir region during 2008-2012. In total, 248 Greco-Roman, sambo and belt wrestlers of all ages, accompanied by 16 trainers on these types of wrestling, took part in the experimental work. The methodology of the research was based on:
а) diagnostic techniques;
b) educational observations;
c) methods of expert assessments;
d) analysis of advanced and mass experience.
Results and discussion. In conducting a questionnaire and educational observations during the wrestling contest, the participants were given a questionnaire to reveal the differences in emotional state to competitors of the same or different ethnic group, just before going on the carpet. The analytical results are shown in Table 1 (n=180 people).
For the question "What kind of emotions and feelings do you experience in a duel with a representative of your own country?" the following answers were received (Table 1).
Table 1. Emotional state before a competitive fight with a wrestler of the same ethnic group (%, number of subjects)
Positive emotions |
Results of fighters' self-appraisal and experts' educational observations (% of ascertained results collected from the surveyed wrestlers of various ethnic groups) |
Negative emotions |
Results of fighters' self-appraisal and experts' pedagogical observations (% of ascertained results collected from the surveyed fighters of various ethnic groups) |
Composure |
52,3 |
Anxiety |
18,2 |
Confidence |
36,2 |
Self-distrust |
12,9 |
Interest |
24,9 |
Apathy |
14,3 |
Courage |
68,3 |
Cowardice |
10,5 |
Hope |
70,5 |
Disenchantment |
26,2 |
Liveliness |
42,3 |
Fatigue |
14,5 |
Joy |
28,4 |
Sorrow |
16,9 |
Pride |
30,9 |
Demoralization |
4,8 |
Combat readiness (lack of unrest in the form of trembling as jitters) |
62,8 |
Clearly expressed "prestart fever" |
38,4 |
Combat readiness (lack of apathy, lethargy, relaxation) |
68,1 |
Clearly expressed prestart apathy |
32,3 |
For the question "What kind of emotions and feelings do you experience in a duel with a representative of another country?" the following answers were received (Table 2) (n=126 people).
Table 2. Emotional state before a competitive duel with a wrestler of a different to the former's ethnic group (%, number of subjects)
Positive emotions |
Results of fighters' self-appraisal and experts' educational observations (% of ascertained results collected from the surveyed wrestlers of various ethnic groups) |
Negative emotions |
Results of fighters' self-appraisal and experts' educational observations (% of ascertained results collected from the surveyed wrestlers of various ethnic groups) |
Composure |
24,3 |
Anxiety |
57,5 |
Confidence |
7,2 |
Self-distrust |
62,2 |
Interest |
44,4 |
Apathy |
36,2 |
Courage |
22,4 |
Cowardice |
72,9 |
Hope |
24,6 |
Disenchantment |
46,8 |
Liveliness |
6,3 |
Fatigue |
48,3 |
Joy |
10,9 |
Sorrow |
34,1 |
Pride |
38,3 |
Demoralization |
18,2 |
Combat readiness (lack of agitation in the form of trembling as jitters) |
30,3 |
Clearly expressed "prestart fever" |
70,2 |
Combat readiness (lack of apathy, lethargy, relaxation) |
28,1 |
Clearly expressed prestart apathy |
72,8 |
In this research fragment the sociopsychological grounds of interethnic relationship in the process of sports competitions of various scale - regional, Russian and international, including the XXVII World Summer Student Games in the city of Kazan (July 2013) – are in the focus of attention.
The next fragment shows the experimental program, which is based on theoretical information and the acquisition of practical experience through interethnic relationship, in terms of working with multinational sports teams made of Greco-Roman, sambo and belt wrestlers. Conventionally, 5 units are allocated in content of the experimental work.
Unit 1: theoretical information on ethnic identity and consciousness of each person. Acquisition of experience of interethnic relationship in sports and other activities.
Unit 2: theory of patriotism in sport. Acquisition of the experience of patriotic behavior.
Unit 3: theory of internationalism in sport. Acquisition of experience of international behavior.
Unit 4: theory of self-education in sport. Acquisition of practical experience of person's self-education and behavior in sports activities.
Unit 5: theory of self-regulation in terms of emotional state in sport. Acquisition of experience of self-regulation of emotional states and behavior after victories and defeats in sports.
The young and senior wrestlers in our main experimental groups are competent athletes, mostly advanced students, who demonstrate an increasingly evident aspiration to strengthen interethnic relationship in sports and other activities.
The presented-in-this-paper analytical results of the study allow us to reach the following conclusions:
1. The social basis of interethnic relationship in sport is made of the documents of international sports federations, International Olympic Committee, Olympic Charter, national declarations, political parties and public organizations in physical culture and sport.
2. Psychological and educational aspects of formation of the interethnic relationship in sport during trainings and competitions in wrestling are consolidated by the long-term practice and the methods specially organized by social, psychological and educational activities, which is to be focused on the following components:
- belief in ethnic identity of every person in terms of ethnic consciousness of junior, young and senior athletes;
- formation of patriotic qualities in an athlete's personality;
- formation of international traits in an athlete's personality;
- education and self-education of interethnic relationship in sports activities and everyday life;
- self-regulation of an athlete's emotional state in acute, uncompromising sports-rivalry conditions after the inevitable victories and defeats.
3. Formation of humane, tolerant interethnic relationship, useful for trainers and athletes during sports competition, requires awareness of the social essence of sport for all nations and consolidation of the experience of self-regulation of emotional states and correct actions at victories and defeats.
4. The developmental approach lays the basis of the actions on formation of the interethnic relationship in sport, especially in martial arts: taking into account the categories of junior schoolchildren, adolescents, young boys and senior wrestlers.
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