Formation of theoretical knowledge among Chinese university students when studying the "Volleyball" module


Postgraduate student Zhao Peng1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.P. Guba1
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Bulykina1
1Russian University Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: universities of China, sports and pedagogical disciplines, volleyball, formation of theoretical knowledge.

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the formation of theoretical knowledge among Chinese university students when studying the "volleyball" module.
Methodology and organization of the study. To determine the effectiveness of the formation of theoretical knowledge among Chinese university students in the study of the "volleyball" module, an analysis of the quality of students' knowledge during the semester was carried out; an analysis of the results of the final control work; an analysis of the effectiveness of the planned thematic control work. To evaluate the results, an ordinal scale was used with scores of 2, 3 (low level of knowledge), 4 (medium), 5 (high level of knowledge). The characteristic of the group was the number of its members who scored one or another point. The comparison was made according to the input control (1 test) and according to the results of the 2nd, 3rd testing and the credit test at the end of the study.
The results of the study and their discussion. During the formation of theoretical knowledge, special attention was paid to conceptual structuring and technical training (training in basic technical actions in volleyball). To determine the effectiveness of the educational process, the coefficients of completeness of the assimilation of theoretical knowledge by students were determined. Therefore, we conducted an analysis of the students' assimilation of practical knowledge. To this end, the coefficients of completeness of mastering practical skills were determined.
The results of the study show that in the 2019-2020 academic year, when working on the revised program, teachers managed to raise the level of mastering of the material to 80%. Such values of the coefficient of completeness of assimilation of the material show that the students have mastered the course material and are ready for independent work on this module.
In the second year of using the proposed work program, the level of mastery of theoretical material in the "Volleyball" module among students of all specializations begins to increase sharply from the middle of the semester. A rational approach at the beginning of the course allows you to optimally activate the cognitive activity of students.
Conclusion. The harmonious combination of pedagogical teaching methods makes it possible to raise the process of training highly qualified specialists for the field of physical culture and sports to a new level. The conducted research confirmed the expediency of the formation of theoretical knowledge on the program of the module "Volleyball" in the preparation of students of Chinese universities in physical culture and sports.

Used literature

  1. Guba V. P. Theory and methodology of sports games: textbook / V. P. Guba. – M.: Sport, 2020. – 720 p.
  2. Theory and methodology of teaching basic types of sports games in the system of physical education: textbook / under the general editorship of A.V. Rodina, V. P. Guba, L. V. Bulykina, M. V. Zainetdinova. – M.: OOO "Trading house "Soviet Sport", 2023. – 288 p.