Features of the physical condition of athletes engaged in skyrunning


P.A. Maleev1
Associate Professor E.D. Kondrashova1
Postgraduate student A.S. Gorbachev1
Dr. Hab., Professor T.A. Martirosova1
1Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk

Objective of the study was to identify the dependence of sports results on the parameters of the physical condition of athletes involved in skyrunning.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved athletes from the Krasnoyarsk Territory who took part in city, regional and all-Russian skyrunning competitions in the period from 2021 to 2022. and took the first 13 places in the standings. At the same time, these athletes are professionally engaged in such sports as cross-country skiing, athletics, polyathlon, orienteering, triathlon. The methods of this scientific study were the analysis of scientific papers on the topic of the study, the analysis of the protocols and results of athletes participating in skyrunning, pedagogical testing, as well as mathematical and statistical data processing.
Results and conclusions. A theoretical analysis of the research literature on the subject of the study allowed us to determine that the sports discipline of skyrunning refers to the sport of mountaineering. The obtained results showed that the most significant physical ability of athletes for skyrunning are the general endurance when evaluating running for 3000 meters and the strength endurance of the muscles of the arms, legs and abdominal press. In our opinion, exercises aimed at the development of these physical abilities should form the basis of the methodology of training preparation of sportsmen in skyrunning. A review of the scientific literature also indicates the importance of using static exercises in the training methodology of sportsmen, the development of coordination abilities and the proper level of psychological preparedness. When studying sportsmen speed abilities and speed-strength abilities, speed endurance and flexibility, we noted a moderate or low dependence of the sports result on these physical qualities, so exercises aimed at improving them are less efficient. We are of the opinion that the use of competition exercises from track and field less than 1000 meters is not an efficient means of sportsmen preparation in skyrunning, since these control tests did not show a large correlation effect on athletic performance in this sports discipline.

Keywords: skyrunning, physical development parameters, physical fitness level, sports result.


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