Development of mass sports in the municipalities of the Far North in terms of resource provision


Postgraduate student A.T. Krylova1
PhD, Associate Professor T.E. Kruglova1
Dr. Psych., Professor V.B. Myakonkov1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to identify the resource opportunities of the municipalities of the Far North for the development of mass sports.
Methods and structure of the study. Analysis and generalization of scientific literature and legal documents, correlation analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis.
Results of the study and their discussion. The observation made it possible to identify three factors that together explain more than 88% of the dispersion of the initial indicators of the development of mass sports in these municipalities: infrastructural provision of sports facilities, including those with flat sports facilities in rural areas; staffing the industry with specialists in physical culture and sports; infrastructure provision of urban and recreational infrastructure facilities adapted for physical culture and sports. Based on the identified factors, the municipalities of the Far North were classified into 3 groups in accordance with the level of development of mass sports. The first cluster included 38 municipalities of the Far North, characterized by a sufficient number of physical culture and sports personnel, but the weakest development of infrastructure provision with urban and recreational infrastructure facilities adapted for physical culture and sports. Cluster 2 includes 94 municipalities of the Far North, which are characterized by below-average development of all three factors. Cluster 3 includes 5 municipalities of the Far North, which are characterized by a high level of development of infrastructure provision with urban and recreational infrastructure facilities adapted for physical culture and sports, as well as an average level of development of sports infrastructure in rural areas.

Keywords: mass sports, development of mass sports, problems of development of mass sports, Far North.


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