Physiological indicators of sambo wrestlers' fitness


Pak Giso1
Dr. Med., Professor N.N. Zakharieva1
E.I. Malieva1
D.B. Astakhov2
I.D. Konyaev1

1Russian University Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Sports club "Avangard", Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

Objective of the study was to determine the features of the morphofunctional state and physical qualities of sambists of various ages and qualifications.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the examination, a sports history was collected, and 26 qualified male sambo wrestlers who regularly train at the youth youth sambo school “Youth of Moscow” were questioned.
Results and conclusions. The revealed changes in the functional state and functional readiness of sambists of different ages and levels of training reflect the development of physiological mechanisms of adaptation to specific physical loads of men during sports sambo, which is expressed in an increase in the psychomotor performance of athletes, in the development of pronounced muscle hypertrophy of the muscles of the upper limbs, an increase in maximum voluntary muscle strength shoulder and forearm, an increase in the resting state of the tone of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, a significant increase in static and dynamic parameters when performing spirometry tests and improving cortical control of maintaining a vertical posture when performing the stabilometric test "Target".

Keywords: sambo, fitness, psychophysiology, cardiointervalography, heart rate variability, stabilometry.


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