Ventilation function of the lungs and features of the oxygen utilization system in qualified cyclists of different genders in adolescence and and youth
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Kuzmin1
Dr. Biol., Professor A.V. Shakhanova1
E.A. Postnikova1
Postgraduate student V.V. Kuzmina1
1Adyghe State University, Maikop
Objective of the study was to identify the features of the functioning of the mechanisms of pulmonary ventilation and the oxygen utilization system in qualified cyclists in different age and sex groups.
Methods and structure of the study. The surveyed contingent was divided into two age periods: adolescence and youth. The total number of surveyed was 41 people. The parameters were recorded during a multi-stage exercise test on a bicycle ergometer under the control of ECG (Poly-Spectrum-12) and blood pressure with gas analysis (Quark PFT Ergo, Cosmed).
Results and conclusions. The results of the study presented VO2max values in adolescent cyclists as a function of external respiration parameters and body size. Whereas in adolescent cyclists, the relationships change in the direction of the dependence of VO2max on the parameters of oxygen utilization. That is, there is a restructuring of the functional oxygen supply system for sports work. VO2max in male cyclists, regardless of age, is provided by the function of external respiration (VE, VT, Rf), and it, in turn, is determined by anthropometric parameters, while the efficiency of extracting oxygen from the air decreases. With age and the growth of training experience, the relationship between the parameters of the function of external respiration changes towards the economization of its function.
Key words: maximum oxygen consumption, respiratory system, ergospirometry, aerobic performance, correlation analysis.
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