Digital competence of teachers in the context of modern challenges and risks


PhD O.A. Kotlyarova1
PhD O.N. Povalyaeva1
PhD U.I. Turko1
1Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets

Objective of the study was to analyze the deficits of digital competencies among teachers of physical culture and sports, ways to overcome them, taking into account the transformation of the key needs of the modern system of Russian education and the implementation of the education program in the system of basic general education.
Methods and structure of the study. The material for the experiment was the results of express monitoring of 112 teachers of the level of basic general education in the urban district of the city of Yelets, the Yelets district of the Lipetsk region (Russian Federation), sports schools in the city of Yelets.
Results and conclusions. More than 50% of teachers and trainers note that they regularly enrich their knowledge with the help of digital technologies, self-education, master the skills of individual and group work; 58% of respondents systematically improve information and communication skills through self-education. It has been proved that a number of pedagogical conditions influence the digital competence of a teacher: organizing the interaction of all participants in the educational and upbringing process in a digital educational environment, diagnosing and monitoring the quality of teaching disciplines using information technologies, motivation for the successful development of educational programs of basic general education.
The conducted research allows us to state that the effectiveness of improving the professional education of teachers and trainers in a digital educational environment largely depends on such factors as the availability of sustainable information and educational content, maintaining an optimal balance between the use of digital and traditional educational tools, compliance with the principles of continuous education of teachers, readiness of all participants in educational relations to interaction in the digital environment.

Keywords: digital environment, digital competence, educational content, media resources, professional education.


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