Peculiarities of integration of education in the field of health physical culture of students at the present stage of scientific knowledge
Dr. Hab., Professor V.I. Bondin1
Dr. Hab., Professor O.D. Fedotova2
PhD I.A. Ponomareva1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.I. Мareev1
1Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
2Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate, identify and test the features of the integration of knowledge in the field of health-improving physical culture of students.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work was attended by 144 bachelors studying in various areas of training of the Southern Federal University, and 136 bachelors of the Rostov State University of Economics. A model of integration of education in the health-improving physical culture of students is proposed, including the target, structural-organizational, meaningful, technological and resultative-evaluative components.
Results and conclusions. The pedagogical features of the integration of education in health-improving physical culture are: a systematic study of the content of education based on modern scientific achievements in the study of the human body, taking into account the rapidly changing conditions of the ecological educational environment; development of educational and methodological support for the physical culture and health improvement process in various sports facilities using a variety of technical means and digital programs.
The developed and tested model testified to the increase in the level of students' mastery of knowledge and was the basis for further research on the improvement of physical education in the university.
Keywords: education, model, integration, knowledge, health, physical culture, students.
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