Rural sports games as a factor of sustainable development of the Russian village


Dr. Sc.Hist., Associate Professor A.B. Orishev1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.A. Peredelsky1
Dr. Sc.Phil., Associate Professor A.A. Mamedov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Melentiev1
1Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to update the importance of rural sports games as a factor for the sustainable development of the Russian countryside.
Methods and structure of the study. The research methods were the analysis of the programs and results of the All-Russian Rural Sports Games, the generalization of experience in their organization, a sociological survey of 1st year students of the Timiryazev Academy, during which more than 200 students representing eight federal districts were interviewed.
Results and conclusions. A brief history of the formation and development of rural sports games in Russia is shown. The attention paid to these competitions by the state authorities and its motivation for holding them are noted. The coverage of these competitions in Russian regions is shown. The positive impact of rural sports games on the development of rural areas is demonstrated. It has been proven that rural sports games can become an important factor in the sustainable development of the Russian countryside, as they can make life in the countryside more interesting and thereby stop the outflow of young people from the village, forming a physically and mentally healthy population.

Keywords: rural sports games, sustainable development, rural areas, healthy lifestyle.


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