Yoga as a universal means of maintaining and strengthening the psychophysical state of people living in the far north and arctic regions of Russia


Dr. Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev1,2,3
PhD, Associate Professor D.V. Zhernakov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Ukolov1
1Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of EMERCOM of Russia, Zheleznogorsk
2Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev, Krasnoyarsk
3Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk

Keywords: gymnastics "yoga", psychophysical state of a person, residents of the Far North and Arctic regions of Russia.

Introduction. Currently, the search and development of new forms, pedagogical technologies, means, etc. of maintaining and strengthening the psychophysical state of the population living in the Far North and the Arctic regions of our country is becoming very relevant. Up to 70% of Russia's territories are in high latitudes, where a third of the country's population lives. Further development of the Arctic regions of Russia requires special psychophysical training of labor resources that will work on a permanent or rotational basis in these regions. The Far North and Arctic regions of the country are in severe climatic, geophysical, space and other adverse factors of residence for this environment. To live and develop the richest natural reserves of the Far North and the Arctic regions of the country, psychophysical training of specialists and the population for this activity is necessary. In this direction, the scientific idea of our work is determined
The purpose of the study is to theoretically justify and adapt the methodology of gymnastics "Yoga" of the population living in the Far North and the Arctic regions of the country and recommend it for practice.
Methodology and organization of the study. A number of scientific works in this area were analyzed, including studies: V.V. Ponomareva, G.N. Svetlichnaya, N.N. Garipova, L.G. Disco, O.V. Limarenko and others, who were engaged in the development of organizational and pedagogical conditions and software for physical education of the population living in the Far North and the regions adjacent to it.
All this generally contributed to the identification of a holistic picture of the state of physical education and health of the local population and the design of their own idea, which is aimed at introducing people living in the Far North and Arctic regions to system exercises in Yoga gymnastics. This direction will help maintain and strengthen the psychophysical state of the population at the proper level, allowing them to live and work productively and creatively in these unfavorable conditions of the country.
Study results and conclusions. The Yoga gymnastics health system is very popular and famous all over the world. In the world, more than 50% of the population is engaged in Yoga. Gymnastics "Yoga" is very accessible, easy to perform, for classes "Yoga" there is enough mat and space of 1 m2. Gymnastics "Yoga" allows you to strengthen and maintain the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, musculoskeletal system, psychological state, and also allows you to meditate. All of the above is very important for the population living in the Far North and the Arctic regions of the country, since they are exposed to the polar night, magnetic storms, sharp drops in atmospheric pressure and air temperature, confined space, etc. We selected and formed blocks of exercises from Yoga gymnastics aimed at maintaining and strengthening the general psychophysical state of the population living in high latitudes of the country.
Conclusion. The theoretical and methodological study contributed to the development of a number of methodological recommendations for gymnastics "Yoga" of the population living in the Far North and the Arctic regions of the country, which need to be adapted in practice.


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