Water aerobics practices under elective physical education and sports disciplines in framework of university implementation of «3+» FSES
PhD N.A. Karavatskaya1
I.V. Pivorovich1
I.G. Krenzel1
1Moscow State Institute of Culture, Moscow
Objective of the study was to develop and substantiate the program "Elective Physical Education and Sport Disciplines: Water Aerobics" to further introduce it into the process of training of the first-year female students.
Methods and structure of the study. Subject to the experiment were the first-year female students of Moscow State Art and Cultural University aged 17-19 years (n=39). All girls were divided into two groups: Control and Experimental. The Control Group subjects (20 girls) were engaged in the body-conditioning course under the elective physical education and sports disciplines. The Experimental Group subjects (19 girls) were offered a water aerobics course aimed at meeting the need for motor activity, developing physical qualities, forming the personal physical culture in social and professional activities, which would suit the interests and desires of female university students.
Results and conclusions. The results of the comparative analysis of the physical and functional fitness rates of the first-year female students (18-19 years) differed statistically significantly, which confirms the effectiveness of modern fitness technologies. Water aerobics (where appropriate) can play an important role in maintaining and promoting health, improving physical fitness and functional capabilities of female students owing to the combined effect of emotional saturation and training loads of large volume and high intensity.
Keywords: elective physical education disciplines, water aerobics, 18-19 year-old females.
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