Features of serve swing technique in elite tennis
Postgraduate student A.A. Kunin1
L.V. Silaeva2
1Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, Malakhovka, Moscow Region
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to determine the role of the mechanism of repulsion from the support in the acceleration of the impact link at the end of the swing phase when tennis players with different degrees of trunk bending perform a serve.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 10 female tennis players aged 18-25 years having the sports qualifications of MS and WCMS. In the laboratory conditions, each of the female athletes was to perform several serves without the ball trying to achieve the maximum speed of the racket acceleration. The serves were performed in a jump without a running start. Each subject made 10 serve attempts. The kinematic characteristics were recorded using the optoelectronic 3D motion capture system "Qualisys".
Results and conclusions. The calculation of the intrasubject correlation coefficients between the maximum value of the vertical component of support reaction force during the serve when taking off the support and the maximum speed of the radiocarpal joint showed that the Experimental Group subjects had individual differences in the degree and direction of the statistical correlation between the above parameters.
There were statistically significant individual differences in the relationship between the mechanism of repulsion from the support and that of acceleration of the impact link.
The authors conclude that the positive role of the mechanism of repulsion from the support in the acceleration of the impact link during the serve is an indicator of a tennis player’s high technical skill level and may be reflected in a number of biomechanical criteria, among which is the degree of backward trunk bending in the end phase of the swing.
Keywords: tennis, serve, swing.
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