Development of explosive force based on the use of a special exercise of a wrestler


Dr. Hab., Professor L.S. Dvorkin1
PhD, Professor I.I. Ivanov1
1Kuban State University of Education, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar

Objective of the study was to develop and substantiate the effectiveness of the use of a special wrestler's exercise that imitates the main basic moving actions in the stalls.
Methods and structure of the study. The work was attended by two groups of Greco-Roman wrestlers, 10 athletes each. Registration of various biodynamic indicators was carried out in the process of performing the developed special wrestler's exercise. This exercise was used as a means of special wrestler training and as a test for recording biodynamic parameters in laboratory conditions.
Results and conclusions. It was established that for two mesocycles, the indicators of the increase in starting strength and work power in wrestlers in the weight categories of 55-60 kg and 66-74 kg did not differ significantly, at the same time, a more pronounced ability to progress in explosive strength was revealed in relation to wrestlers of 66-74 kg. wrestlers 55-60 kg.

Keywords: biodynamic characteristics, wrestlers, phases, load.


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