Mental state tests for junior ski jumping sport
G.K. Lebedev
Ural Technical Institute of Communications and Information Science, Yekaterinburg
Objective of the study was to find method of control of autonomic components of mental state during training of junior ski jumpers.
Methods and structure of the study. We selected the mental state tests and procedures so as to ensure their reliability, validity, coverage and due test data range for the regular trainings and competitions. The mental state influences on the autonomic nervous system were tested by rhythmovasometric and bioelectropotentiometric tests, with the individual pre-training emotionality tested by the Y.Y. Kiselev thermometric scale. We sampled for the study trainees from the Olympic Reserve College No.1 in Sverdlovsk Oblast and Aist Youth Sport School in Nizhny Tagil.
Results and conclusion. The heart rate-profiling rhythmovasometric using the Zephyr sensors and the electrical activity rating bioelectropotentiometric tests were found beneficial for the mental state, particularly in transitions to the higher hills, as verified by lower injury risk exposures in the sample.
Keywords: ski jumping, mental state, rhythmovasometry, bioelectropotentiometry, Kiselev thermometric scale.
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