Athlete’s competitive psycho-emotional status in boxing
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Popkov
National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow
Objective of the study was to test and analyze the precompetitive psycho-emotional status and stressors in modern boxing sport versus the competitive success data.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study active boxers (n= 48) of different ages and split them up into RG and EG to run a questionnaire survey and interviews in a competitive period. The precompetitive mental conditioning service of the EG was complemented by classical music (Bach compositions) on the fight days and 30 minutes prior to the fights; whilst the RG was mentally preconditioned traditionally as required by the training standards.
Results and conclusion. The questionnaire survey found many athletes reporting high psycho-emotional precompetitive stressors of detrimental effects on their competitive performances. Reasonable excitement was reported to help mobilize for success – in contrast to the excessive and long-lasting mental stresses that tend to result in burnouts and failures. As was found by the tests, classical music secures precompetitive psycho-emotional status and, hence, may be recommended for coaches and fighters prior to competitions.
Keywords: psycho-emotional status, progress, competitive performance, competitive process, stressors.
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