Professional identification survey in secondary vocational physical education specialist training system
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor S.V. Eregina1
PhD K.N. Tarasenko2
1Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Sakhalin State University, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
2Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism, Moscow
Objective of the study was to survey professional identity of the 3-year students in the secondary vocational physical education specialist training system.
Methods and structure of the study. The two-stage survey was run at the secondary vocational physical education specialist Department of Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism on a sample of the 3-year students (n=169, 71 girls, 98 boys) majoring in 49.02.01 Physical Education.
Results and conclusion. The survey found a high need for a special PI service in the secondary vocational physical education specialist training system. The students showed little interest in physical education and sports services to mature and senior age groups; although the demand for such physical education services on the labor market shows a clear and fast growth trend with progress of the ongoing Moscow Longevity Physical Education Project for seniors.
Keywords: labor market, professional priorities, professional identification, students.
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