Program-normative and methodological support of the discipline "Theory and methods of teaching basic kinds of sports" in the preparation of bachelors in the direction "Sport"


Dr. Hab., Professor V.P. Guba1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Rodin2
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Zainetdinov3
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Smolensk State University of Sports, Smolensk
3Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow

Keywords: sports university, bachelor's degree, direction "Sport", basic sports, sports and outdoor games.

The quality of modern training of coaches in the chosen sport is determined by the program-normative and methodological support of the discipline "Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports", "Sports and outdoor games", which fully contributes to the formation of universal, general professional and professional competencies in the preparation of bachelors in the direction 49.03.04 – "Sport".


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