A new approach to physical education: measurements, calculations and assessments of health indicators
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor B.H.Landa
Kazan Innovation University named after Timiryasova V.G. , Kazan, Russia
Keywords: health , indicators of physical development, physical and functional fitness.
Annotation. As a new approach to physical education , a methodology for assessing basic health indicators and an inclusive education program are proposed .
Introduction. The absence of a health education system in physical education does not allow overcoming the negative trend associated with its deterioration. The formation of knowledge about the criteria of health and their measurement will strengthen the educational orientation of the subject of FC, the attitude to which both from the students and from the parents often does not meet the tasks set for the preservation and promotion of health. This became especially noticeable during the pandemic, when school absences increased dramatically. The search for new approaches to Physical education is becoming an urgent task
The purpose of the study. To offer the developed methods of health education and an inclusive educational program of the FC subject, which have been tested at our university and college. A significant role is assigned to the monitoring of physical qualities, where the gender and age standards of the revived TRP complex, covering all population groups, including people with disabilities, are taken as a standard [3].
Methodology. All students get acquainted with the curriculum, the purpose and objectives of training. Practical classes in the 1st year. they include a variety of motor activity (ORU, OFP, SFP in their chosen sport) and solve the following tasks: to study the requirements for performing TRP tests and standards for them [3]; to teach working with devices and tools for measuring indicators of physical condition and physical qualities: physical fitness (FP) (speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, jumping, agility and others). physical development (FR) (height, weight, chest circumference, vital capacity of the lungs, strength of the right and left hands), functional fitness (Function.P) body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, central nervous, musculoskeletal); determine their physical capabilities by monitoring their dynamics and health reserves. During the subsequent training, a lecture and practical course is introduced, the purpose of which, along with ongoing practical classes, is to perform calculation and evaluation operations with the results of actual measurements obtained earlier. Students with disabilities perform and calculate only those indicators that are allowed by the doctor.
Organization of research and results. Students independently, with the help of methodological developments of the department [1,2], are trained to work with instruments and instruments, perform measurements, calculations, evaluation operations, and then throughout their studies they can track and analyze the dynamics of the complex of all indicators in monitoring, using computer information and diagnostic support. Our experience has shown that students are interested in measuring, calculating and evaluating their own health indicators.
Conclusion. In the search for new approaches to physical education, the proposed methods motivate students to attend classes, make physical education a need for people with disabilities.
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Gratitude. The scientific article was supported by a grant from Kazan Innovation University named after V.G. Timiryasov.