Simulation of loads in the process of restoring students' working capacity


PhD, Professor V.D. Get'man
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate the method of using physical exercises aimed at the accelerated recovery of students' working capacity.
Methods and structure of the study. The experimental program was mastered by two experimental groups of students (EG-1; EG-2), differing in the level of physical condition. As a control group, students with a low level of physical fitness were taken, who were engaged in their study groups according to the traditional physical training program. The choice and combination of means and methods of physical training of the experimental groups was carried out depending on the nature of the weakening of the body's functions, the individual characteristics of those involved. The participants were assessed indirect indicators of performance, indicators of physical fitness and BMD.
Results and conclusions. Thus, as a result of the pedagogical experiment, positive changes were obtained in the students of the experimental groups in all the studied indicators: indirect indicators of working capacity, indicators of the cardiorespiratory system, physical fitness, that is, the proposed training methodology ensured successful adaptation of the students' organism to the loads performed, a pronounced increase in functional capabilities and body performance.

Keywords: modeling of training loads, maintenance of working capacity, students, physical condition, physical exercises, load intensity.


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