Development and use of student’s fitness health level rating method


PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Mikhajlova1
T.V. Khrycheva2
1Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod – National Research University, Arzamas branch, Arzamas
2Health Center, Arzamas

Keywords: anthropometric indices, bioimpedance indicators, physical fitness, fitness health.

Introduction. Fitness health (FZ) is defined as a state of physical well-being due to physical abilities (cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, coordination, dexterity, strength, endurance), as well as the component composition of the body, which have a direct scientifically-based impact on health. To characterize the Federal Law, modern research methods are needed, which also include an analysis of the component composition of the body [1, 2].
The purpose of the study is to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a method for assessing the level of fitness health (using the example of students).
Methodology and organization of the study. To develop a method and assess the level of the Federal Law, the results of examinations at the Health Center of 323 students aged 18-24 were used, including anthropometry (measurement of body length and weight, blood pressure, heart rate, lung capacity, dynamometry of the right hand, Barbell test); bioimpedance (body fat, total water, active cell mass, basic metabolism) with the use of the bioimpedance analyzer "Diamond"; testing of physical fitness according to four motor tests included in the VFSK TRP of the 6th stage.
The results of the study and their discussion. To evaluate the Federal Law, 5 control indicators were calculated: strength index (SI); endurance coefficient (KV); Skibinskaya index (IS); body component composition index (ICST); assessment of physical fitness (AF). The values of five control indicators were evaluated on the same point scale: from 2 to 5 points. To determine the level of the Federal Law, the points scored for 5 benchmarks were summed up and their average value was calculated according to the formula: FZ = (IXT + SI + IS + KV + FP)/5. As a result, students received a characteristic of the Federal Law: 10.1% of students have a high level of the Federal Law (4.5–5 points), a good level (3.5–4.4 points) – 31.4%, average (2.5–3.4 points) – 40.6%, low level (2-2.4 points) – 17.9% of students. Correlation analysis revealed a strong relationship of the Federal Law with the ICST (r=0.77) and with the AF (r=0.74), other coefficients also have high values, which confirms the correctness of the choice of the studied criteria for determining the Federal Law. The study of the Federal Law among students engaged in various sports determined the majority of excellent and good grades among young men from the sports sections of armsport (80.6%) and swimming (71.4%), as well as among girls engaged in fitness (83.3%) and athletics (74.8). Among the various areas of fitness, tabata and interval training showed the greatest training effect for strengthening the FZ (88.8% of excellent and good ratings).
Conclusion. Monitoring of the Federal Law allows you to track changes occurring in the body during training and adjust the nature, direction and volume of physical activity.


  1. Patent of the Russian Federation "Method for assessing the level of fitness health" (No. 2754651, registration date 06.09.2021) / S.V. Mikhailova, L.I. Krasnikova, T.V. Hrycheva, etc.
  2. Mikhailova S.V. Physiological substantiation of the use of indicators for assessing the fitness health of students // Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series: Medicine. 2020. – Vol. 24. – No. 2. – pp. 183-190. DOI:10.22363/2313-0245-2020-25-2-183-190.