Learning a second foreign language at a university of physical culture in the presence of constructive aggressiveness


Dr. Hab., Professor, Corresponding Member of RAO S.D. Neverkovich1
E.A. Belyakova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: second foreign language, aggressiveness, sport, motivation.

The aim of the study is to increase the efficiency and motivation to study a second foreign language with the help of constructive aggressiveness among students of the University of physical culture.
Methodology and organization of the study. The survey was attended by 30 students of the 2nd year of RSUFKSMiT, including 13 girls and 17 boys, aged 18 to 20 years, studying in the direction of training 49.03.01 "Physical Culture", who, as part of the educational process, were taught French as a second foreign language. The developed questionnaire to identify the possibility of constructive aggressiveness consisted of three parts. The first part was aimed at identifying the possibility of using aggression in educational activities, the second part proposed a model of aggressive behavior of the individual and the third part dealt with the methods of manifestation of this aggression also in educational activities.
The results of the study and their discussion. The conducted sociological survey showed that 35% of students consider aggressiveness to be a necessary and useful quality in their studies, but it is not entirely clear how it can be used effectively (30%). In turn, 20% of respondents did not think at all about such a question, and only 15% answered that aggression makes a person uncontrollable and creates problems in school. Aggressiveness, in one form or another, is present in educational activities and is aimed at gaining knowledge (75%), self-defense (8%), defending their point of view (10%), and only 7% answered that aggressiveness helps in solving problems.
Respondents admit the possibility of the presence of constructive aggressiveness in the process of educational activity. Students understand that the very need for "thirst for knowledge", as a process of cognition to achieve a goal, will entail the manifestation of strong human qualities - such as: perseverance and willpower - 10%, purposefulness - 41%, activity and patience - 15%, perseverance - 25%, courage - 3%, determination - 5% and only 1% – initiative.
Conclusion. Aggressiveness, which has a constructive character, can be used to increase the assimilation of the 2nd foreign (French) language at the university of physical culture.


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