Motives for studying second foreign language in higher physical education institution as basis for formation of multicultural linguistic personality
E.A. Belyakova
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Keywords: motive, external and internal motivation, second foreign language.
The purpose of the study is to identify the motives of students at the University of Physical Culture (RSUFKSMiT) to study French for the subsequent justification of the professional growth of future specialists.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study included a questionnaire survey, which was attended by 40 2nd-year students of the directions "Tourism" and "Hotel business" of RSUFKSMiT. The first questionnaire was devoted to the study of respondents' opinions about the motives that prompted them to study French, and the second allowed analyzing the first results obtained in the process of learning a foreign language by students of RSUFKSMiT.
The results of the study and their discussion. Learning a foreign language forms a communicative skill that involves communication in a given language and the ability to listen to the interlocutor. The course of study of the second foreign language at the University of physical culture assumes that students already have communicative foreign language competence in the first foreign (English) language at a level not lower than A2 on the pan-European scale of European competencies.
It is established that, firstly, the increase in interest in learning French is determined by the novelty of information, personal interest, the level of development of intelligence, imagination, non-standard thinking, ease of learning. Secondly, students explain the motives underlying their interest in the French language by many factors: "perspective", the desire to travel, the importance of a foreign language in the modern world, familiarization with another culture.
The results of the questionnaire analysis showed that less than half of the students had external motivation, and the majority of students had internal motivation. Most students are more focused on using French "here and now" than in the future. They understand the importance of a second foreign language not only as a factor in obtaining a prestigious profession, but also as a means of developing intelligence, cognitive processes and communication.
Conclusion. An important factor in the creation and development of motivation is a foreign language teacher, who creates conditions for the emergence of internal motives for learning and cognitive interest in language learning, influencing the motivational structure through the definition of personally significant learning goals.
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