Academic vocational training of physical education and sports specialists in context of ongoing reforms in national pedagogical education system


Dr.Biol., Professor G.G. Fedotova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Yakimova1
PhD, Associate Professor G.V. Pozharova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Geraskina1
1Mordovia State Pedagogical University, Saransk

Objective of the study was to analyze the academic vocational training of physical education and sports (PES) professionals in the context of the ongoing reforms in national pedagogical education system.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was run at the Physical Education Department of Moscow State Pedagogical University named after M.E. Evseviev (Saransk) to mine, summarize and analyze the AVT service data for PES specialists.
Results and conclusion. Progress needs of the PES specialist training service at the Moscow State Pedagogical University Physical Education Department may be listed as follows:
1) Update the PES training curricula at every training level to make them compliant with the valid Professional Teacher Standard, with a special priority to due continuity of the professional progress in university education;
2) Update the list of additional general and professional training curricula;
3) Advance the PES education service by new meanings to facilitate the creative professional personality formation and further progress of a PES specialist/ coach/ expert;
4) Encourage academic progresses by modern progress scoring systems;
5) Facilitate progress in networking of the research/ educational communities;
6) Establish head Physical Education Departments to develop due institutional provisions for the university-employer cooperation;
7) Organize the students' practices at work stations of potential employers;
8) Organize research projects at the Physical Education Department; and
9) Develop the PES specialist retraining and advanced training service sensitive to the employment market situation in the region.

Keywords: academic vocational training, pedagogical education, competency-building approach, innovations, physical education department.


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