Nordic walking combined with workouts on high-tech exercise machines: health benefits analysis for men and women


I.A. Karaseva1
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Kuzmin2
N.S. Yaunbaeva3
R.Kh. Abdullin3
1Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg
2Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow
3Bashkir State Agrarian University, Ufa

Objective of the study was to experimentally test health benefits of a Nordic walking model combined with workouts on the high-tech balance exercise machines – for post-stroke patients.
Methods and structure of the study. We gave a special priority in the combined Nordic walking model design to the movement coordination training practices with foot position and walking pattern control plus the fall risk preventing safeguards. We sampled for the study the 52-68 year-old people of both sexes (n=30) including 10 and 7 individuals diagnosed with minor (5 points on a six-point scale) and moderate (3 points) lower-limb monoparesis, respectively; plus 9 individuals with vertebro-basilar insufficiency syndrome (5 points).
Results and conclusion. The trainees were tested with progress in physical stress tolerance beneficial for the motor functionality range expansion goals. It should be emphasized that the cyclic trainings were particularly beneficial for the psycho-emotional conditions of the trainees. The tests showed progress in coordination skills closely correlated with improvements in the walking patterns and skill sets. Trainings using the TYMO Stability Plate, Thera-trainer Balo Balancing Machine and BALANCE-Trainer E-GO machines were found to facilitate, among other things, cognitive progress of the trainees.

Keywords: vertical balance, balance, postural control, wellness, functional tests, therapeutic physical education, instructor, exercise machines with biofeedback, TYMO Stability Plate, Thera-trainer Balo Balancing Machine, BALANCE-Trainer E-GO.


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