“Fresh-air” outdoor training sessions: new shape for old tradition


Dr. Hab., Professor O.N. Golovko1
PhD, associate Professor V.A. Ley1
Senior lecturer A.G. Mikhaylova1
PhD, associate Professor T.V. Smirnova1
1Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia
2Nakhimov Black Sea Higher Naval School, Sevastopol, Russia

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the “fresh-air” outdoor training service in the new social reality.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed the historical prototypes of the fresh-air training session in educational systems to outline the modern practical pillars for the national and foreign outdoor training systems and experiences as a basis for our empirical study.
Results and conclusion. The study offers the potential ways to improve the education service quality under pressure from the growing environmental crisis and epidemiological risks for popular health on the whole and student health in particular. The study analyzes benefits of the fresh-air studies for health to offer the key provisions for the outdoor education service based on a questionnaire survey of students and university faculty. Scientific novelty: new form of fresh-air training session. Practical significance: the study offers practical recommendations on how the outdoor training session should be designed and managed.

Keywords: “fresh-air” outdoor training session, natural conformity, health protection, epidemiologic situation.


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