Interpersonal coach-trainee relations in academic volleyball teams
E.M. Denisova1
D.A. Volkov1
A.V. Dvornikov2
1Moscow State Institute of International Relations (u) MFA of Russia, Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to survey interpersonal coach-trainee relations in academic volleyball teams versus the competitive success variations.
Methods and structure of the study. The coach-trainee interpersonal relations were probed by the Y.L. Khanin and A.V. Stambulov questionnaire survey method. We sampled for the interpersonal relations questionnaire survey two teams competing in the Moscow Student Sports Games trained by highly experienced and skilled coaches and ranked on top and bottom of the post-season team scoreboard – and surveyed the key players of the both teams.
Results and conclusion. The interpersonal relations tests scored the top-ranking team significantly higher than the bottom-ranking one. Based on the questionnaire survey data and analysis, we would recommend the coaches setting realistic and ambitious seasonal goals for the teams and provide an efficient psychological support service to develop and keep up progress-facilitating climates in trainings and competitions.
Keywords: volleyball, interpersonal relations, sport team, coach
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