Mental/ emotional control training model for skeleton competitors
A.S. Yurkov
Olympic reserve skeleton school, Krasnoyarsk
Objective of the study was to test benefits of a new mental/ emotional control training model for the 15-17-year-old skeleton competitors.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the mental/ emotional control service model testing experiment the 15-17-year-old skeleton competitors (n=40) at the special training stage at the Olympic Reserve Sports School in Krasnoyarsk, and split them up into two Experimental Group (10 boys and 10 girls from Krasnoyarsk) and two Control Groups (10 boys and 10 girls from Moscow city and Oblast). The theoretical and practical mental/ emotional control service model in the Experimental Group was designed to include psychological observations, psychological techniques and mental/ emotional control tests.
Results and conclusion. The pre-versus post-experimental mental/ emotional control tests showed benefits of the new model as verified by the significant progress of the Experimental Group versus Control Group in the competitive trait anxiety control; competitive fear controls; self-control skills; and self-confidence tests; with special benefits for the teamwork and psychological climate in trainings and competitions.
Keywords: psychological correction program, emotional states of athletes, skeleton, level of fear, competitive trait anxiety.
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