Special training model for 5x5 b1 blind futsal sport elite: benefits analysis


K.S. Popenko1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Makhov2
1Sports-Adaptive Paralympic Reserve School, Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El
2Russian State Social University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of a new special training model for the 5x5 B1 blind futsal sport elite.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the new special training model testing experiment (run in 2019-2020) vision-impaired athletes qualified for the Republic of Mari El national team (n=9) and trained at the Republican Paralympic Sports School and Russian State Social University in Moscow. The special training model was customized to the individual diagnoses, competitive progress needs and the valid rules of the 5x5 B1 blind futsal sport competitions.
Results and conclusion. The pre-versus post-experimental physical fitness tests showed benefits of the special training model as verified by the significant progress of the Experimental versus Control Group in nine of 11 physical fitness tests; five of six coordination skills tests; and nine of 12 technical and tactical fitness tests of our own design. It should be also emphasized that the Experimental Group trainings were facilitated by a special training process management toolkit with an emphasis on the teamwork and communication (leaded by the guide and goalkeeper) efficiency that proved beneficial for the individual progress and teamwork on the whole.

Keywords: 5x5 B1 blind futsal, vision-impaired elite athletes, sports training program.


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