Sports and doping: predictive apprehension of future

Dr. of Law, Professor I.V. Ponkin1
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Lapteva2
1Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow (IPACS, RANEPA)
2Kutafin Moscow State Law University (Moscow State Law Academy), Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze and forecast progress of global sports in the doping control context.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was designed to analyze and forecast the doping production, distribution and sports application issues.
Results and conclusion. The study made it possible to forecast the following sports progress trends in the doping control context:
• Fast advancements in the fundamentally new "technical doping" research and practical applications;
• Fast progress in new biomedical, pharmaceutical, biophysical and biotechnological solutions to bypass the existing doping control codes;
• Active advancement of new hardware and software tools, artificial intelligence (AI) and other developments;
• Gene doping research and application in sports.
We believe that the above trends are rather likely to heavily undermine progress of global sports. Special efforts need to be taken to address the modern sports doping research and application and offer new solutions to counter the mounting doping crisis in sports.

Keywords: sports, doping in sports, anti-doping codes, sports future, forecast, administrative regulations, sports law, sports medicine.


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