Overview of digital teaching service simulators for physical education teacher training system


Dr. Sc. Phil, Associate Professor A.P. Maltseva1
PhD, Associate Professor I.O. Petrishchev1
PhD, Associate Professor N.M. Kasatkina1
V.V. Soltis1
1Ulyanovsk State University of Education, Ulyanovsk

Objective of the study was to analyze the modern global digital teaching service simulators application experiences and trends to facilitate the efforts to implement virtual reality trainers in the national physical education teacher training system.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed, for the purposes of the study, the reference literature and forecasts to summarize the current trends in the digital teaching service simulators application domain and facilitate the efforts to implement the most efficient virtual reality trainers in the national physical education teacher training system, knowing the typical problems faced by such implementation projects.
Results and conclusion. The study found a persistent global trend to expand the immersion learning technologies in the professional training service on the whole and digital teaching service simulators applications in particular. The still poor progress in the virtual reality trainer application on the national turf may be due to the shortage of extensive empirical studies with experimental groundings of their practical benefits for the professional physical education teacher training service.

Keywords: physical education teacher training, virtual educational technologies, virtual reality trainers and simulators, virtual teaching simulator.


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