Gene doping in physical education and sports with progress of technologies and medicine: problem identification


Dr. of Law, Associate Professor O.A. Shevchenko1
S.E. Stolyarov2
1Kutafin Moscow State University of Law (Moscow State Law Academy), Moscow
2Association of Lawyers of Russia, Moscow

Objective of the study was to outline potential solutions to control gene doping in physical education and sports with progress of technologies and medicine.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed the key aspects of fundamental problems in relation to gene doping and gene therapy.
Results and conclusion. Modern genetic manipulation detection methods and experiments are fraught with multiple legal collisions and institutional problems. Genetic manipulations with children may be considered a violation of the human right for an independent own future. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the modern gene therapy status is rather contradictory as it still balances in between science and law, with some considering it a new medical method and the others believing it’s a doping. Our analysis herein found clear borderlines between the gene doping and gene therapy at this juncture. Until a clear delimitation of the missions, meanings and applications thereof is made, the global sports are at risk of great problems, and this is the reason why the global research and sports communities need to take reasonable preventive measures to address and solve these problems with full awareness of every problematic aspect and potential risk.

Keywords: gene doping gene therapy, sports, anti-doping service, human rights, physical education, athlete’s health.


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