Fitness as type of physical education


Dr. Hab., Professor E.G. Saikina1
PhD Y.V. Smirnova2
1Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
2Pushkin Leningrad State University, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to analyze the fitness positioning in the modern physical education system.
Methods and structure of the study. We used, for the purposes of the study, a retrospective progress analysis, historical analogizing method and analysis of the reference theoretical and practical study reports, with comparisons, analogies and inductions.
Results and conclusion. We run a longitudinal study of fitness as a socio-cultural phenomenon and new training and research discipline to analyze its systemic connections with a range of physical education disciplines; demonstrate its benefits for the popular health projects in Russia; and identify its present positioning in the physical education system with a priority to the service missions. Modern fitness was found to meet the key physical education discipline classifying criteria including the content and personality progress related ones and, therefore, may be ranked with the modern physical education classes in every aspect.

Keywords: fitness, socio-cultural phenomenon, innovation, physical education, classification, fitness positioning, type of physical education, fitness technologies


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