Physical activities and heart rate analysis in various-sided games in professional soccer


V.A. Kuzmichev1
PhD, Professor A.V. Leksakov1, 2
PhD E.M. Kalinin1, 3
V.V. Panikov1
1Russian Football Union, Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
3Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region

Objective of the study was to track and analyze motor performance and heart rates in different training practices in elite football.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the tests and analyses the 17-18 year-old qualifiers for the national football teams (n=20) in the following pre-season training practices: (1) 4x4 team practices with one neutral player on a 25x30m (83m2) field; and (2) 10x10 team practices with two goalkeeper on a 60x65m (186m2) field. The individual motor performance was tested using Wimu Pro tracking equipment of RealTrack System production.
Results and conclusion. The tests found the highest motor performance (including total distances, low-, moderate- and high-intensity runs and top-speed sprints) on the 60x65m and 80x65m fields as compared with the 25x30m ones. However, the 25x30m practices were tested more intensive in the acceleration/ deceleration and walking motor performance tests versus the 60x65m and 80x65m ones. The tests found insignificant HR differences in the training formats. It may be concluded that the analyzed training formats offer different motor performance scenarios albeit virtually the same HR variation ranges. Further tests and analyses are recommended to profile and rate the absolute accelerations/ decelerations in different training practices versus the HR variability test data.

Keywords: intensity, speed, acceleration, deceleration, motor performance, football.


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