Body tattoos in sports: socio-cultural context and semantics analysis
Dr.Sc.Cult., Associate Professor M.V. Averina1, 2
1Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow
2Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to analyze the modern body tattoo semantics, meanings and functions in sports in the context of symbolism, emergence and dynamism theories within the neo-evolutionary paradigm.
Methods and structure of the study. We based our analysis on the relevant provisions of the critical theory, consumption culture theory, bodily sociology, identity theory and gender sociology on an integrated basis when considering the socio-cultural semantics of the modern tattooing styles. We also used the symbolism, emergence and dynamism theories and concepts. Our empirical methods included analyses of the relevant Internet contents: news, sports reports, popular online publications, and reports of tattoo parlors.
Results and conclusion. Modern sports are viewed by most in the context of the relevant values and priorities including healthy lifestyles, success, status, youth, rivalry, body shaping practices etc.
The symbolism, emergence and dynamism theories applied to explore the growing popularity of tattooing offer a great heuristic potential.
Keywords: sports, values, body tattoo, corporality, socio-cultural context, symbolism, emergence, dynamism.
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